Dave McCrea (bass), Fred Dawes (drums),
Jeff Mander (guitar),
Dave Au (vocals), Fred Winnick
1970 / 1971
We were indeed a
Garnet band but I think that the
gear on stage is not all
ours. Maybe it was a
showcase gig?
I used a one of a kind, BTO, bass
amp, with 6x 6CA7 output tubes
(150watts?) and 2 bottoms each
with 3-15" speakers. Those
were the days!
Fred had a BTO like the one on
stage and Jeff had a SessionMan (I
think that was the name) combo
with 4-10" and around 90
watts. PA was a Garnet head
(like the one on stage) but I
can't recall which Garnet speakers
we were using at that time.
We tried a number of Garnet PA
speaker cabinets over the years.
I also worked part time at Cam's
Music while I was going to school
so I knew the Gillies family well.
Dave McCrea
January 14, 2012